
A parody of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky"

'Twas November, and the interest groups
Did rant and defame on TV
All snippy was the Dubya Bush
With debates Ralph couldn't see.

Beware the Florida, young frog,
The chads that dangle, the chads that fall
Beware the manual recount and shun
The retracted concession call.

He took the ballot sheet in hand
Long time the proper chad he sought
Then rested he in the voting booth
And stood a while in thought.

And as in pregnant thought he stood
The highest court, with justices grim
Came shuffling through the legal briefs
And made the choice for him.

One, two! That's it! The recount's done,
And Katherine Harris certified.
The vote was done, and everyone
Of liberal leanings cried.

And hast thou won the presidency?
Come to my arms, my Dubya boy!
Oh conservative day! Victory, Victoray!
Appointing Ashcroft in his joy.

'Twas November, and the interest groups
Did rant and defame on TV
All snippy was the Dubya Bush
With debates Ralph couldn't see.

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