Shockwave Flash is, without a doubt, one of the greatest programs ever created.
During my free 30-day trial, I created a number of artistic masterpieces to share with the world. If you like what you see, feel free to send me several hundred dollars so that I can buy the actual program.
This is the Potato God Worship Center's explanation of how the world, Cap'n Crunch, and Japanimation came to be.
It Happened In Maine
All heck breaks loose in the not-so-great state of Maine when the Antipotato schemes, the apathetic potato shrugs, and the Giant Moose appears. Don't touch the Moose's hummus.
Lore vs Mr. T
"I pity the foo' who give T a bad rating!" Watch the movie, sucka! If I ever actually watched The A-Team, I'd be able to come up with a third Mr. T-related quote here.Back to
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