You can also browse these pictures with the nifty image map. Colgate is not normally this green.
Cushman House
This is where I lived from Spring 2001 to spring 2002. |
Taylor Lake
The scuzzy pond on campus. Dave and I have decided we're going to
swim across during senior week [We did. -- ed.]. Rumor has it there's a car in it, but
we saw no car two years ago when the drought pretty much dried up the
lake. |
Whitnall Field
This is the view from the Maroon-News office. This field is where we have big outdoor events like Spring Party. |
Student Union Stairwell
My attempt to do some sort of freaky foreshortening shot. It would
have worked much better if the camera could have zoomed out farther, or
if I had longer arms. |
For the past two years, Cardiac Hill has been blocked off for
construction of Little Hall (right). They're almost done now -- the sod
is being laid. |
Persson View
The reverse angle of the construction shot. The view from the top
of the Persson Hall steps is generally considered to be the best on
campus. It was part of what made me fall in love with Colgate. |
Frank, Drake, Curtis
Frank (left) is the main dining hall. Drake (middle) is a dorm.
Curtis (right -- with the tower) was where all my friends lived
freshman year. |
The Rock
A neat little picnic spot on the way to the graveyard. Right behind me is Frank. It's also fun to just sit on the rock. |
The Graveyard
It's not really that freaky. |
The Old Ski Hill
The view down the old ski hill. At the bottom is Community Memorial
Hospital. Behind that is Tyler Field, where they do field hockey. |
The Old Golf Course
Relaxing on the old golf course. |
'Gate House
The temporary dorm that's four years past its intended life. I had
to live here freshman year. On the plus side, they seem to have fixed
some of the panels that were hanging off the outside walls. |
Andrews and the Upper Quad
The path I walked three times a day from 'Gate House to Frank my freshman year. |
East, Hascall, Wynn
The people who live in East (left) like to open their windows and
turn up the music so it echoes off Wynn (right). I had sworn never to
set foot in Wynn (it's the chemistry building), but they went and put
Environmental Justice in there for some reason. It should have been in
Hascall (philosophy) (middle), although I've never been in Hascall
either. Bah. |
A rather unflattering picture of me (not that I've ever seen a flattering picture of me) in front of Hascall. |
Alumni Door
Opening the door to Alumni Hall (SOAN and History). |
Bunche House
My home for the summer of 2001. |
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