I'm not a big fan of putting my ugly face on the Internet for all the world to see, but it's the law or something if you have a personal site.
![Stentor D.](images/mndrawing.jpg) | A Drawing Someone at The Maroon-News did this sketch one night and hung it up on the coat rack. |
![Me as a peanut butter sandwich](images/meassandwich.jpg) | Me As A Sandwich You are what you eat. |
![Me in a long purple wig](images/purple.jpg) | Purple Wig I wore this wig at a friend's wedding, and some little kids came up to ask if I was a boy or a girl. |
![My cat licking my head](images/Beecee_licking.jpg) | Beecee Licking My Head My cat loves me. |
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