I have written a number of short stories and other pieces of creative writing over the years.
How I Met My Wife
October 2006
This comes from my now-defunct wedding website. (The website is defunct, not the wedding -- we're still going strong.)
Where I Was on 9/11
September 2002
This was a reflection solicited by another student after the September 11 attacks.
Decker's Creek
October 2000
This is the last of the Slate Hill stories (so far), though it's set in the Northern Territory of Australia. Liz Hurd was a friend I met down under, who asked to be put in one of my stories.
May 2000
How to Play Jazz
December 1999
My creative writing teacher assigned us to write a creative "how to" piece.
Troop 83
November 1999
This story originally ended with a cutesy little line about "be prepared." Luckily the other people in the class convinced me to re-write the last scene.
Left, Right, Left
October 1999
This was the second, and best, of my Slate Hill stories. Prof. Becker told me he never expected to read a story with the line "He had a hankering for some pierogies."
The Lost One
December 1998
This tale of post-apocalyptic Peru was the final project for my freshman seminar, Basic Themes In Science Fiction. The local color (which I don't claim any high standard of accuracy for) came from another class I was taking on the culture of Peru. I had a bit of fun with the language in this one, doing things like finding key Quechua words (thanks to Gary Urton for the translation of "chinkan") and picking names that Peruvians would see as city-folk names or country-folk names.
A Gift From He Who Finds The Waters
November 1998
I had high hopes for the world this story is set in, which is pretty clearly based on pre-Colombian Andean culture. Unfortunately I never came up with a longer story to tell in it.
The Holy Sword
March 1998
The world this story is set in is about as stereotypical for fantasy as you can get. I like to think that setting aside world-building questions allowed me to do a better job of plot and characterization than I'd been able to manage previously
The Red Cloak
January 1998
My goal in writing this was to do a deeper character than those in my earlier stories. Unfortunately, I wound up more with a nervous tic and elaborate battle scenes.Back to
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