Senior spring, I started writing news stories in addition to my commentaries. It was a lot of work, and I can't say I liked doing all the interviews it required. But it was a very valuable experience, and made me feel like I was really contributing to the paper.
Over the summer, I worked at National Geographic News, and wrote a few stories there as well. Then I took to picking up some of the slack at The Scarlet. I later worked as a copy editor for the Casa Grande Dispatch, but that did not involve writing anything longer than a pullout box.
The Maroon-News | National Geographic News | The Scarlet
Brunching Rates A+
10 April 2003
When I arrived at the office, Scott told me, "Stef wants you to do a Webshots of that site you like."
Grads Hold Conference
3 April 2003
27 February 2003
During intermission at Clarkstock, Josie asked me what I thought of one of the early acts (which she had missed). I said they were good. She told me they may need my help writing the article about it, so I said I ought to think of something more intelligent to say than "they were good." When I arrived at the office that week, Cara said, "hey Stenny, I need to ask you a big favor. Can you write 500 words about Clarkstock?"
Clarkies Experience World Hunger
12 December 2002
Solidarity After 9/11
14 November 2002
Not Ashamed To Be Australian, Mate
14 November 2002
A review of The Whitlams' album Torch The Moon.
Shark "Photo of the Year" Is E-Mail Hoax
15 August 2002
This story got huge pickup by AOL.
Unusually Well Preserved Crater Found in North Sea
31 July 2002
Jimmy Carter Calls for Better Approach to Foreign Aid
11 July 2002
I'm glad to hear someone prominent bashing farm subsidies. Now if only he had the power to do something about it.
Parasites, Pesticide May Cause Frog Deformities
9 July 2002
This is a rewritten press release with some extra info pulled in. But I think it came out rather well given the circumstances.
Rare Burst of Blooms Shows Bright Side of Wildfires
25 June 2002
Laura Lewis wrote the story, but I took all the photos in the photo gallery.
Jason Carter Discusses South Africa
20 June 2002
This is blatantly promotional, but I think he had some interesting things to say. He's a nice guy, too.
Rare African Predator Photographed for First Time
20 June 2002
Another rewritten press release.
Seahorse Fathers Take Reins In Childbirth
14 June 2002
I originally didn't want to do this because it seemed too cheesy -- a seahorse story for father's day -- but it was NG News's first submission to the New York Times syndicate.
Conditions Improving At Kabul Zoo
10 June 2002
A promotional piece for a National Geographic Channel documentary on the Kabul Zoo.
Colombians Struggle For Stability Amid Civil War
5 June 2002
A promotional piece for a National Geographic Channel documentary on Colombia's children. There isn't much "news" in this, but I thought it would be nice to have a context piece about the war.
Everest Melting? High Signs Of Climate Change
5 June 2002
This was basically a rewritten UN press release, but it got huge pickup.
Sharks Falling Prey to Humans' Appetites
22 May 2002
I wrote the long captions for the photo essay that ran with this and the other four Shark Week stories.
Geographic Bee Champ: Michigan Ten-Year-Old
22 May 2002
Written in my second day on the job.
Rose Will Speak At Graduation
19 April 2002
New College House Themes Next Year
12 April 2002
Shweder: Civilizing Project Alive And Well
5 April 2002
Binge Drinking Is Still Common, Study Finds
29 March 2002
I am amused that the background photo for the fact box was of a bunch of alcohol bottles we have in the office.
Free Legal Advice No Longer
8 March 2002
Area Is Low On Snow
1 March 2002
I really didn't expect this to be the top story, but it was a real slow news week. At least it got a doo-dah headline.
Katz Talks About Sexual Violence
22 February 2002
Are The Big Names Worth The Big Bucks?
22 February 2002
I wrote this as a kind of pennance for my Editorial the previous week.
University Negotiating With Time Warner
15 February 2002
Garrett Lectures On Bioterrorism
8 February 2002
Kelley Speaks About Reparations
8 February 2002
Controversial Diamond Delivers Lecture
1 February 2002
I volunteered to do this article just so I'd have an excuse to go to the lecture.
News Program Brings "That Dave And Marty Magic" To WRCU
1 February 2002
Nepotism kicks into high gear.
First Annual MLK, Jr. Celebration Successful
25 January 2002
My first contribution to the news section was kind of accidental. I had to rewrite a substantial portion of Andrea Suarez Falken's article, so I got co-author credit.
G'day, Mate! The Whitlams Aren't Just Rockin' The Land Down Under Anymore
25 January 2002
I volunteered this CD review because I knew Features was short on stories. I never expected it to be their top story, or for Chapski and Zinman to spend a solid hour laughing at my use of the word "whomp."
Graphic created to illustrate "Far From Thy Valley: Colgate Students Abroad Face Tragedy Far From Home" by Martin Bair (with correction)
12 October 2001Back to
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