Left, Right, Left (p. 2)
1  | 2  | 3  | 4 "Mind if I sit here?"
Kevin looked up at Erin and shrugged. It occurred to him that he seemed to be waiting for someone else, situated so as to keep a vigil over the door coming out of the lunch line. But he couldn't decide who that might be, so he let Erin sit down.
"Your solo sounded good yesterday," she told him, leaning her crutches against the chair next to hers. "Much easier to follow than Jeremy's."
Kevin acknowledged her with a grunt.
"Well, it was," she replied defensively. "Don't you like playing the solo?"
Kevin shrugged. He should be honored to get to play a solo. Last year, he would have been. But after the game at St. Stephen's, it just felt like one more obligation to the band.
"Are you psyched for the game on Friday?"
"It's against West Mountain," replied Kevin. "We better win."
"They have a huge band, too. But they bring all kinds of weird percussion out onto the field - xylophones and gongs and stuff. Hopefully they're nicer than St. Stephen's band. You wouldn't want to have to steal any of their stuff." Erin smiled.
Kevin pursed his lips. After realizing the implications of the incident at St. Stephen's, he couldn't imagine himself feeling that compelled to defend the honor of the band again.
Over Erin's shoulder, Kevin saw a familiar blond head come out of the lunch line. "Hey, Matt!" he called.
Matt's eyes flicked over to the table Kevin shared with Erin. He gave Kevin an amused smile, but said nothing and kept moving.
"You know Matt Rowley?" Erin asked, surprised.
"I used to. I don't think we've hung out for the past year."
"He usually comes to the football games."
"And walks around the track. I have to be up in the bleachers, remember?" Kevin craned his neck to see where Matt was sitting. None of the Tommy Hilfiger-clad guys at Matt's table looked familiar.
"Still, it's cool you two are friends. He's so cute! Do you think he'll be at the game on Friday?"
"I -- how should I know?" Kevin tried not to sound as exasperated as he felt. "I have no idea what Matt's up to anymore. Or Dan, or Trevor, or any of my friends outside the band."
Erin's face was frozen wide-eyed. Kevin got up from the table. "I gotta go. I have a bio quiz or something to make up this period."
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